We'll create wealth not jobs - Akingboye

The meltdown on activities by this unprecedented pandemic and lockdown has changed the trajectory of many activities. It's not a different case in states like Edo and Ondo where election would be holding later this year. Hence, every aspirants involved are left to different methods to reaching out to people with total accordance to the lockdown order. 

Otunba Bamidele Akingboye on his end employs virtual meetings, online interviews and media chats whilst accordingly obeying this very order. 

In a virtual meeting he held with party leaders across the state recently, Akingboye played down the talks of job creation in Ondo State. He gave clear insight into what jobs creation represents and why wealth creation should be the real deal.  

Making his words clear to his listeners in the media chat, he said; "Job creation is a part of it, but it's far from the real deal." "For business person like me, I would say it only amounts to giving people fish and not teaching them how to go about fishing".

He said further; " I've come to the state with different fishing methods and gears which I'll be giving out to our people". "Part of this method is how I'll make 10 youths millionaires across the 18 local government of the state in 6 months if elected, and this would come from the wastages they expend on frivolities in alagbaka".

 "The essence of getting job is to make wealth; however, job doesn't guarantee wealth". "Wealth is only created by delivering value to people and this is just an atom of the benefits my programmes and plans for state will bring", the leading aspirant said conclusively while closing remarks on this session of the chat.

There's no doubt Akingboye's followership continues to wax stronger and grow intimidatingly as we approach the party primaries. And this is owing to his integrity, war chest, pragmatism and vibrance. Every odd favours him as far as the party's primary is concerned, and his candidacy would undoubtedly be a step in the right direction for the people's democratic party in their bid to get a return to the state house in Alagbaka, Akure. 

