34 Years After, Ibrahim Kilani Bows Out As Secretary Of Ansar Ud-Deen Society

Ansar Ud-Deen Society of Nigeria, ADS, is not a new name in the circle of religious organisations in the country, neither is it a baby when one talks about Islam in Nigeria.
However, not many know that the society's National Organising Secretary, Alhaji Ibrahim Kilani, is from Ondo State. 

Kilani is a prince from the Olemo Dynasty of Afin Akoko in Akoko Northwest Local Government. 

A veteran journalist whose passion for the pen profession has refused to die has, been steering the ship of Organising programes of the famous religious society decades now. Like the popular saying, whatever has a begining must always have an end, he will be be bowing today from this exalted position. The Afin Akoko born veteran journalist will be living office not because he was asked to, but to give room for younger generation to inject fresh ideas into the society.

Alhaji Kilani's foray into the National Executive Council of ADS started some 34 years ago when he was elected the National Provincial Secretary of the body at the natural conference held by the Lagos State Council at the Airport Hotel, Ikeja.

The nomenclature of the position was however changed its present name, organising secretary، at Osogbo national conference in 1992 thus making him the first national organising secretary.

This position he held until today. This, no doubt, calls for celebration.

The tenure of Alhaji Kilani witnessed a huge success in terms of the programmes organised by the society as he meticulously handled whatever  the society embarked on.

Between 1989 to 1990, he  was in the entourage of the late former president of of the society, Shutti Oka Oki, when he(Oki), visited ADS branches nation wide.He was part of the team that laid the foundation of Mokwa Branch Central Mosque in Niger state as well as the  inauguration of many branches like Igarra, Abuja, Kajola, Ijebu-Owo, Lokoja, Abakaliki, Ikaram, Ugbe and Akunu, to mention a few.

He was also part of the commitee that review and put together the present constitution of the society which was done at Ibadan, the Oyo State capital.

Being a workaholic he is known for, Alhaji Kilani was also up and doing  in the establishment of Adson Travel Agency, Summit University,  Offa while je also served as member of planning committee of many of the society's national conferences.

It must be noted that he was involves in a ghastly motor accident while coming from the national executive council meeting in Lagos which led to the death of Alhaj Jinadu Ogunlayi,  the then chairman Ondo state,  now Ondo and Ekiti states,  in September 20, 1997 

It was in recognition of his meritorious service to the society that he was given a National Merit Award by the society at ASCON,  Badary,  Lagos state.

Alhaji Kilani in his tenure as the ADS National Organising Secretary served under the following presidents, Alhaji Shutti Ola Oki Alhaj (Chief) Laisi Adenekan, as acting president, Alhaji  Bisiriyu Onisarotu, Alhaji Lateef Femi Okunu and the current national president,  Alhaj (Dr) AbduRauf Ade Sanni.

 While we read about the involvement if this Muslim devout in steering of ADS, it will not be out of place to bring into limelight his contributions and involvement in religious circle and making life better for the commoners in the country.

In his service to humanity, Alhaji Ibrahim Kilani was a former member of the Ondo State Muslim Pilgrims Welfare Board, member Technical committee on Hajj under professor  Abubakar  Gandu and the chairman, Nigeria Inter Religious Council,  NIREC,  Akoko Northwest Local government Chapter.

A philanthropist to the core, Alhaji Ibrahim Kilani is the founder and president of Kilbra ondo state and the president Kilbra Islamic popagation Centre, Arigidi, Akoko, a Non Governmental Organisation, NGO, that has continued to give hope to the hopeless in Nigeria.

It is worthy of note that through the NGO, countless of People With Disabilities, PWDs, have been empowered to be their own bosses.

In his humanitarian service, he has also facilitated and continued to facilitate employment for bothe PWDs and able bodied jobless youths in Federal Ministries, Agencies and Parastatals.

As a veteran journalist, Alhaji Ibrahim Kilani, through his love for the pen profession and the news gathering business, has continued to be a fountain of news from the source to most media houses and online news portals, especially, in Ondo State.

As the Afin Akoko born cleric and prince bows out of today, a big question continue to bother members of the Islamic society in Nigeria and to be precise, the Ansar Ud-Deen Society, if the services of Alhaji Kilani could be done without.
When I ponder on this, I say, although he is leaving the stage for younger generation to come him, his services and wealth of experience in putting perfect touches to programmes organisation cannot be dispensed away.

He will surely be needed, at least for those who may eventually step into the big shoes his exit will leave behind to tap from his knowledge.

To Alhaji Ibrahim Kilani, I join the ADS and countless numbers of his well wishers to say a big congratulations.

