Delta 2023: God defended His altar - Okowa

...urges Oborevwori to be magnanimous in victory, carry everybody along in the scheme of things

By Fred Latimore Oghenesivbe

Vice Presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, and Governor of Delta State, Senator Dr Ifeanyi Arthur Okowa, CON, has said that God has defended His altar in Delta State through the victory of the party's governorship candidate at the Supreme Court, Rt Hon Oborevwori Sheriff Francis Orohwedor, JP.

Okowa made the assertion at Government House Chapel on Friday 21st October during a special thanksgiving service to celebrate Oborevwori and PDP victory at the Supreme Court, saying that God deserved all the praises and adoration for vindicating candidate Oborevwori in a fierce legal battle.

He disclosed that it has been his prayers and desire for the fire in the altar of Government House chapel to remain aglow after his tenure, which God graciously granted by ensuring that Oborevwori stood the test of time and enjoyed God's uncommon grace and favour while the pre election legal battle lasted.

Okowa urged Oborevwori to always put God first in all his dealings, be fair to all concerned and to lead with the fear of God.

"We give thanks to God. One joy I have in my heart is that from the beginning, I knew that it was a battle of the altar, and I remained confident in God.

"This victory is dedicated to God and to the good people of Delta State. I am overwhelmed in joy and absolute gratitude to God for defending his altar.

"God rules in the affairs of Delta State and it has been my prayers that the fire in this altar must keep burning to provide divine light, protection, grace and prosperity for the state and for all Deltans. Here we are, God has again proved Himself as the Alpha and the Omega.

"I am happy that I am present at this thanksgiving because I was away at the last one and I give all the glory to God for this.

"I must thank all of you for coming to rejoice with the Speaker and also for coming to rejoice with me, my family and the entire PDP family in Delta State.

"Whatever has been happening in the last few weeks is a test of our faith. And I thank God that you have stayed alive and that you have stayed hopeful in God," he said.

The governor urged Oborevwori to be magnanimous in victory by carrying everybody along in the scheme of things, and appealed to members of PDP in the state to put their differences aside and work together for the collective interest of the party.

"There are many things that happen sometimes you almost begin to shake. But I know that since 2015, we have always prayed.

"And, I have always said that if any Governor is coming here and would not glorify the name of God in Heaven, Lord do not create a path way for that governor to come.

"This place is the altar of God; so, the altar in this Government House Chapel must remain alive. I pray that each and everyone of us will find the God that is in this altar because He is alive.

"As I congratulate Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori and his wife, the greatest joy you can give to me is that when you eventually get sworn in, you must make sure that the fire in this altar remains aglow," he said.

In an interview with journalists shortly after the victory thanksgiving service, the PDP gubernatorial candidate and Speaker of the State Legislature, Oborevwori, said that his victory at the apex court was for all Deltans, adding that there was no victor, no vanquished.

He said that the litigation that ended up at the Supreme Court was a family affair, and expressed hope that all the actors in the case and their supporters would soon join forces to enhance the electoral fortunes of PDP in the state and in the country.

"First of all, we have God, so we were sure of victory and this victory is for all of us in Delta State. I believe that my brothers on the other side will come and join us as a family in no distant time.

"And, I want to say with all due respect, that nobody is good enough to be my enemy neither do I have the ability to hate anybody. So, we are one as a family," Oborevwori said.