Why Nigerians Must Get Their PVCs

Election as an act of choosing someone out of many in a democratic state is been done through a particular process. The person to be chosen will represent the interest of the electorate in the power either at the local, state, or federal level. 

The contendants start to persuade people during campaign telling them about their ambition to grasp peoples attention so as to be voted for on the election day. It is the duty of all citizen to go out on this day to vote for their candidate of choice who will serve them between a particular period of time been stated in their constitution.

In Nigeria all citizen who have clock the age of 18 has the right to vote and be voted for. For a citizen to be qualified to vote he or she must firstly get his or her permanent voters card (PVC) which is the basic ticket that will makes him eligible to cast vote. Those who registered for a voter's card should know the essence of this voter's card which is not mainly for election but serve other purposes such as it indicates the nationalization of such person in the country and also used in banks.

The citizen should get their voters card so as not to allow cabals interest to overthrown there own, because there are people whose aim is to sabotage the interest of the people and implement what will not be beneficial for all.

A lot of people didn't know the essence of this voter's card which makes them loses some right and opportunity. Hence, the Independent Electoral Commission (INEC) should always sensitize the citizen before, during and after the election on the essence of having voter's card.

Furthermore, the politicians during their campaigns must educate the people to get their voters card because it's the only sword they could use to show their power by voting in good ones and vote out bad governments.

Nigerians should get their PVC and  vote for their candidate of choice merely looking at the qualities expected of a leader, vote your conscience do not fight, do not sell your vote because of a token amount of money so as to have better nation.

By Abdulakeem Onakoya, Student of I-con universal polytechnic, Osogbo Osun State