Be Patriotic, Frustrate Efforts Of Entrenching One Party State In Nigeria, NYLF Tasks Citizens

*Renews calls for resignation of PDP National Chair to give room for vibrant opposition

*Say credible intelligence indicates negotiation for foreign military bases

*Vow no square meter of land in  entire North will  be ceded to French or American governments

Nigerians, devoid of political and party affiliations have been called upon to be patriotic and join the struggle to ensure Nigeria dies not end up as a one party state.

A prominent coalition, comprising over 43 groups, the  Northern Youth Leader’s Forum (NYLF), made the call at a world press briefing held in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital today.

Addressing the press, the President of NYLF, Comrade Afiyo Elliot also called on the national chairman of main opposition, People's Democratic Party (PDP), to resign, to give room for vibrant o0position.

"To this end, we call on all Nigerians to join us in this struggle to ensure that the planned destruction of the opposition parties especially the PDP, is completely halted, stopped and curtailed. 

"We call on the National Chairman of the PDP as a matter of national interest, to resign, suspended or be removed by the NWC or NEC respectively since he has glaringly and evidently compromised. To ensure justice and equity, his  position should be given to anybody from the North –Central Zone," he said.

According to the text of the briefing titled, "IT IS TIME TO SAVE NIGERIA" he  explained that, "Following  a definite move and subsequent calls for the protection and preservation of our nascent Democracy, we are strongly convinced that it is high time  patriotic Nigerians  arose and challenge the powers that are working against the very existence of Nigeria’s democratic principles and institutions in order to lead us into a one –Party State so as to institutionalise and secure authoritarian and dictatorial system in Nigeria. 

"It is in the light of this dangerous and unimaginable scheming and tendencies, that we are embarking on an awareness and enlightenment campaign to alert Nigerians on the dangers ahead if we allow these politicians to succeed in their machinations and manoeuvres."

Comrade Afiyo stressed that they  are deeply concerned with the political scheming in the opposition parties especially in the PDP, which is geared towards the destruction of the party and consequently silencing the opposition. 

"These plans are being carried out discreetly by some moles in the Party to hijacking the structures of the Party and completely silence their voices. 

"We can keenly observe that despite the introduction of unfriendly policies by the Government, a word has never come from the supposedly main opposition Party. Unfortunately, Nigerians are not talking nor observing the dangerous trend.

"The National Chairman of the party who is suppose to be the main opposition Leader to give constructive criticisms so as to guarantee checks and balances,is unavoidably absent or has been on a deliberate, intentional and manipulated sabbatical (money induced) silence. 

"The National spokesman of the Party has taken over the role of the spokesman of the Rivers State Chapter and is rather busy with the affairs of the Rivers State House of Assembly Members at the detriment of the National affairs. We then wonder what will be the fate of Democracy in the nearest future in our Nation as we tend to sliding into a dictatorial state through a ONE –PARTY System," NYLF said.

They explained that the scenario indeed calls for concern by well meaning Nigerians irrespective of tribe, religion, geo-political or party affiliations.

On the rumoured siting of military base in Nigeria, NYLF expressed anger, insisting that they have credible information pointing towards that direction.

"We observed with great dismay, the ongoing negotiations with the American and French Governments to relocate their Military Bases to Nigeria. We have convincing reasons, undeniable evidences and facts that the Federal Government has been negotiating with these Governments to relocate their Military Bases from Niger Republic to Nigeria precisely Sokoto or Kebbi States as a way of compensating and assuaging the American and French Governments for the inability of Nigeria to mobilise the ECOWAS for a military onslaught or attack against Niger Republic.

"Though the Minister for Information and National Orientation has denied this plan, we do hope that he will not swallow his words when the time comes.

"In lieu of this thereof, we want to reiterate our total opposition to this plan and urge the Federal Government to discontinue with immediate effect. We want to state clearly that,we have over the years observing the criminal activities of the French Government against the interest of Nigeria especially in the North –East and North –West geopolitical zones," the group said. 

They emphasized that, "we also want to state clearly that the Northern Youth will never allow a square meter of land in the entire North to be ceded to French or American Governments under any guise or reason. If the Federal Government continue with this plan, then the Government should be prepared to kill all of us.

"In conclusion, we want to call upon all Patriotic Nigerians to stand for the truth always."

